Bespoke Evaluations To Meet Your Child's Needs
504 or IEP? Let us help!
Our Evaluations will help identify your child's strengths and weaknesses which will help them thrive!
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Must have 1 of 13 specific disabilities, outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Must be created by an IEP Team, which includes specific school staff along with parents
Includes special education services (e.g. SPED teachers,) related services (e.g. Transportation, Speech Therapy), and accommodations (e.g. extended time on a test), and gives the child specific goals.
Has strict criteria and must be reviewed yearly.​

Can be used for any disability that significantly impacts your child's functioning
Can be created by a broader category of school staff, in collaboration with parents
Includes accommodations and modifications (such as extended time on a test, or an adjustment to seating), but does not specify goals that are different from the general education curriculum
​Broader category that varies from school to school
Let's do this! What now?
Identify areas where your child glows and where they could grow (socially/academically/emotionally).
Consult with Dr. Katz and Dr. Puff.
Professional evaluation (in office testing days for your child)
Receive detailed report with specific recommendations and feedback.
Collaborate with school staff and other professionals
Watch your child thrive!